Monday 8 July 2019

This is tricky business, trying to get back here to write something wise and interesting on a daily basis so you will all excuse me for taking the slow boat in until I understand what on earth this process is all about.

Talking about, well today actually, its all been about moving furniture for the decorator to be able to do his stuff. He is friendly, jovial and patient, patience was necessary this morning as he had to wait while we moved all our kitchen furniture so he could do his job. We should have done that yesterday it turns out, why do these things only become obvious after being heavily hinted about. So I said sorry and it turned out alright. This evening the undercoat is complete, the painter has gone home to rest and all the furniture is back indoors right in his way again so the process will be repeated tomorrow.

Thursday 4 July 2019

The Starting Post

It is 05.05 on a Friday morning. Its been another sleepless night and now here I am checking my PC for unlikely new messages.  I should say very unlikely indeed as, at this time of day, sensible and less stressed people are still sound asleep. They are the people I so envy. They are only to be woken by their new fad gizmo of an alarm clock.  They also have the ability to turn off the alarm, turn over and rest a little longer. Me? I have found I seem to prefer waking totally unplanned at an ungodly hour on an every morning basis. Amazingly I am deemed, by myself and others, to manage a reasonable days work. Nonetheless I would so like to know what it feels like to feel bright and refreshed each morning and by the end of the day just a little bit tired and ready to sleep.